- German Embassy & Missions in the United States
- Austrian Embassy in the United States
- Swiss Embassy in the United States
- Liechtenstein Tourist Office
- Wetter.net (Worldwide weather info in German)
- Youth Hostels (Jugendherberge)
- Hotel.de for finding hotel accommodations in Germany
- Hotel.at for finding hotel accommodations in Austria
- Hotel.ch for finding hotel accommodations in Switzerland
- Travelocity.de for planning flights to the German-speaking countries
- Frankfurt Airport
- Lufthansa
- Condor Airways
- LTU Airways
mit dem Auto
mit dem Zug
- Railroad Info for Germany and other parts of Europe
- Concise list of German railway terms
- Links to European Public Transit Systems
mit dem Bus
- If you are traveling to/from Berlin, you might want to consider a long-distance bus...
- Another long-distance bus line with destinations in Austria & Switzerland
Erdkunde & Info
- Facts & Statistics about Germany from the World Factbook
- States and Capitals Practice by Quia (Germany)
- States and Capitals Practice by Seterra (Germany)
- States and Capitals Fun Quiz (Germany)
- Sates and Capitals Fun Quiz (Austria)
- German Cities (Walk-the-Plank game)
- Heraldry & Coats of Arms (Wappen)